What is Krishna's Real Mother Name

What is Krishna’s Real Mother Name

What is Krishna’s Real Mother Name

What is Krishna’s Real Mother Name : According to Hindu mythology and scriptures, Lord Krishna’s real mother is Devaki. Devaki was the wife of Vasudeva, and Krishna was their eighth child. However, Krishna was raised by Yashoda and Nanda in the village of Gokul, as Devaki and Vasudeva were imprisoned by Krishna’s maternal uncle, the tyrannical King Kamsa. Yashoda is often referred to as Krishna’s foster mother, as she played a significant role in his upbringing and is considered his divine mother figure.

Lord Krishna, also known as Krishna, is a prominent figure in Hindu mythology and is considered to be the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is revered as a divine incarnation who appeared on Earth to restore righteousness and guide humanity. Krishna is highly venerated for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu scripture, and his miraculous feats during his time on Earth.

Krishna was born in the Yadava clan to Devaki and Vasudeva in Mathura. Due to a prophecy that Kamsa, Devaki’s brother, would be killed by Devaki’s eighth child, Krishna was secretly transported to Gokul, where he was raised by Yashoda and Nanda. In Gokul, Krishna grew up as a mischievous and playful child, known for his love for his devotees, especially the cowherd girls (Gopis), and his enchanting flute playing.

Throughout his life, Krishna displayed various divine qualities and performed extraordinary acts, such as lifting the Govardhan hill, defeating demons, and enlightening people with his profound wisdom. His most renowned discourse is the Bhagavad Gita, in which he imparts spiritual teachings to the warrior Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

Krishna’s life and teachings have had a profound influence on Hindu philosophy, spirituality, and culture. He is adored as a deity of love, compassion, and devotion, and his birthday, known as Krishna Janmashtami, is celebrated with great enthusiasm by millions of devotees around the world.

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